Important Factors That Affect Technical SEO of A Website
As you start learning more about search engine optimization, you come to know that there is a side of SEO that’s very technical in nature but can make or break any business that relies on web traffic. If you want to be a successful digital marketer, then you need to learn this technical search engine optimization in Singapore as soon as possible. The reason is that there plenty of businesses ready to pay a skilled person who can help them in improving search rankings. Unless you know technical SEO, you cannot add much value to this cause.
So, learn about important factors that addict SEO of a website and are technical in nature. The first important factor is the sitemap. It tells the search engine about a website. So, learn how to install a sitemap on a website and submit it to search engines. The second factor is the link structure. Google doesn’t love ugly looking links, so learn to make urls clean. Other important factors on this list are SSL certificates, site audit, using Google webmaster tool, using SEO plugins, etc. Master them all to be a good technical SEO consultant in Singapore.
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